About us

KBL is a formattable Metal-Building erector with logistics that allow servicing the Continental US. Our crews have all OHSA 10 & 30’s along with equipment certifications. Safety is a priority while building long term relationships with our customers.
Our principles are the base for us....
- People are our greatest resource. Be proud of your work and accountable for your actions and attitude.
- Be honest, fair and trustworthy in all of your daily activities and business relationships.
- Do not engage in any activity that could call into question the Company’s honesty, impartiality or reputation.
- Do not engage in any conduct that creates a conflict of interest or even an impression of a conflict of interest for you or the Company.
- Foster an environment in which all employees are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.
- Conduct business fairly, impartially, in an ethical manner and in complete compliance with all applicable laws.
- Maintain the highest level of integrity when dealing with our customers, suppliers, competitors, local communities and employees.
- Conduct all operations in a safe manner that minimizes risk of injury to employees and the traveling public and minimizes the overall impact on the environment.
- When striving for excellence, recognize that what we do and how we do it is just as important as the results obtained.